the Red Thread, a new edition with a presence at night

The Red Thread, aquatint and chine collé on indigo dyed mulberry paper, phosphorescent pigment, ed. 27,  24 x 17″ (62 x 45 cm).  This photo shows the print as it is seen in the light and dark.


The Luminosity series takes us to the edge of our perception, where images come into view and then pass away. In this new edition, the Red Thread, a glowing rising moon emerges from behind a curtain. A red accent is like a streak of light joining the two sides of the curtain.

The aquatint etching is printed on washi and removed from the plate.

Various stages of development of the edition on my studio wall.

Each handmade mulberry paper is hand-colored with indigo. I made the moons separately and pasted them on top of the indigo washi.

Seeing the edition of the Red Thread in light and dark is an important part of the editing process.  The phosphorescent pigment in the moon can be charged indefinitely by daylight. The Red Thread becomes two completely different images when viewed in different light conditions.